Friday, 17 October 2014

Why I hate Musical Theatre Students

Hello you lovely lot!

I am writing this blog, sat in mismatched fluffy PJs, surrounded by tissues, olbus oil and lemsip. It's safe to say this isn't the sexiest I've looked. Being ill and thus hating the world has fueled me to write a blog I have been meaning to write ever since I was about 12! Why I hate Musical Theatre Students! 'Woah", I hear you say! "But Soraya... you're a MT student!" Yes, on paper I am, however when I dissect what it is to REALLY be a MT student then you will realise, I just like singing, acting and dancing a bit.

The way I have always descried my passion for Musical Theatre has been... I have a life and I have Musical Theatre... they don't merge very often. I love it, I really do but I don't live and breathe it. I come home from University and I watch television or read a book. I rarely listen to musicals in my own time unless it's for a singing exam or research. In my own personal opinion, I see girls who have made musical theatre their entire life and have never make it to the West End! They are so distraught! They have spent 25 years practicing with blood, sweat and tears, only to be told no. To me, that's sad. Maybe I don't have enough drive or passion, I don't know, but I always want to look back and know that I enjoyed my own time and learnt new skills, not just being a triple threat robot.

I have complied a list of my worse 'stagey' pet peeves! If you recognise yourself in any of these, then brilliant! Please don't take it as an insult, take pride in it! Without people like you the West End would be rubbish!

1. Musical Theatre keenos sing ALL.THE.TIME. at any given moment, I mention how great my strawberry frozen yogurt was and that's all it takes! I am now eating my sandwich in the Uni cafeteria, whilst being serenaded by a 3 part harmony of "Do you wanna build a snowman or ride a bike around the" - No.
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2. Every move they make could be referred back to some Merce Cunningham choreography. Excuse me guys, I'm just off to the loo.

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3. They seem to know about every cast changeover and who played who in what anniversary concert! They are chucking out all these names of West End performers and there is me and my boyfriend like...
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4. "OMG, have you heard that Kerry Ellis is like, totally playing Glinda now, after like totally playing Elphaba on Broadway! How amazing right?!

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5. Stretching isn't just for the home... oh no, this can be performed anywhere especially in Public!

6. Disney... just Disney.

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7. I get one night off every 3 months at work, I just want to let my hair down and party! However after 1 song that is about number 39 out of the Top UK 40...from 1987... It goes back to the Original Broadway Cast of something! Because that's all their Ipods consist of! You can't escape it!

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8. Everything is so dramatic! You would think that running a few minutes late for Ballet would just be excused by "Sorry I'm late, my bus was late'. Ha! They got up to find a badger in their kitchen, whilst running from a dinosaur into the forbidden forest! 

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9. Let's face it, we're in a catty business! Musical Theatre students love it when you sing their song better! 
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10. They are so excitable! 

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11. Going out clubbing with a musical theatre social in a nutshell...If it's not this, then they will be incorporating the choreography they learnt earlier that day to every chart song going... "OMG it fits!" 

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12. Their bedrooms look like this... 

13. Their wardrobes look like this...
14. Every paranoid girl on show week around their understudy...

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15. The whole point of my blog in one GIF...

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I hope you enjoyed this post! 

*tap dances away into sunset*

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